Education for development and and fraternity for respect to the neighbor.


  • Lafayette Pozzoli Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.
  • Gilmar Siqueira Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marília - UNIVEM
  • Rogério Cangussu Dantas Cachichi Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marília - UNIVEM


The purpose of this article is to investigate how education for the full development of the human person involves the acceptance – or reabsorption – of the circumstance as fundamental to the maturity of life. Education for the development of the person covers his vital project and, for that reason, it will be seen how the education needs to tend towards inner freedom so that he can unfold, then, in the community relationship. An important element for education is fraternity, which will be seen in the second section of the article. Its rolein education is to stimulate the person in the search for the commongood. The research was developed using the hypothetical-deductiveapproach method, the comparative procedure, the indirect documentation technique, the bibliographic research: in books and legal journals; documentary;legislation and on electronic websites.





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