The fundamental human right to a new worldwide order: forward the effective realization of human rights.


  • Jesús E. Caldera Ynfante Centro de Investigaciones Socio Jurídicas. Universidad Católica de Colombia.


The fundamental right to the New World Order (NOM), enshrined in article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR/UN, 1948), is defined as a legal-dogmatic category, from an ethical and humanistic dimension, conceived as the faculty or conventional prerogative established in function of the 'effective realization' of human rights (HHRR) and the happiness of the human person, understood as a means and an end to the full realization of their valuable life project, chosen freely and autonomously, with human security, where power policy is founded on the care and protection of life -Biocracyaimed at fulfilling and enforcing the imperative obligation of States to respect, protect and guarantee human rights -because they are inherent to human dignity and functional to the common good- in a integral democracy, contributing to the formation of a more fraternal, humane, harmonious, just, inclusive and equitable society in a State of human rights from the perspective of Humanist Constitutionalism or Humanist State of Law.





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