Historical memory of the Caste War


  • Lucelly Sierra González


caste war, Yaxcabá, Yucatán, historical memory


This article aims to cover, in an analytical manner, the historical background of the caste war that occurred in themunicipality of Yaxcabá (1847-1901), which could rather be called the Mayan Liberation War, which began on July30, 1847 with the attack of the Mayan leader, Cecilio Chi, on the population of Tepich, proclaiming death to theentire white population of the town, this war lasted about 54 years. The site of the war was the Yucatan Peninsula,which at that time was separated from Mexico, and was considered an independent republic. The caste war hada significant impact on the municipality of Yaxcabá, as it caused the destruction of Mopilá (a town 20 kilometersfrom the capital), only vestiges of what was once the Mopilá church remain, today the ruins of this temple are atourist attraction, and a reason to organize an annual pilgrimage every July 31, to take the virgin from her currentlocation to spend the night in her former home, one of the events that still prevail in the town. The investigationwas based on interviews with people in an age range, from 30 years old, and originating from Yaxcabá, to knowtheir point of view after the events that occurred, with the aim of knowing the historical impact on the population,and how the information of transcendental events in the town has been preserved.

Author Biography

Lucelly Sierra González

Profesora a tiempo completo de la Lic. en Gestión y Desarrollo Turístico de la Universidad TecnológicaMetropolitana, Méjico.



