Review of: Introducción a Foucault. Guía para orientarse y entender una obra en movimiento de Edgardo Castro
Marcos Vidable
Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Philosophy, Psychology
Since his first book, published in 1995, Edgardo Castro has shown a solid interest in the work of the authorof The Birth of the Clinic (1963). In fact, the title of that initial text – Pensar a Foucault – can serve todescribe a good part of the Argentine researcher's career. Thinking about Foucault here means consideringhis vagaries, following the unexpected turns of his discourse, accompanying the appearance of new titles; Inshort, thinking about Foucault means for Edgardo Castro teaching ways of reading, as shown in his recentIntroducción a Foucault. Guía para orientarse y entender una obra en movimiento (2023).
Author Biography
Marcos Vidable, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Licenciado en Psicologíapor la Universidad Nacional de CórdobaArgentina (UNC). Actualmente cursa laMaestría en Intervención e InvestigaciónPsicosocial (UNC). Es un estudioso de laobra de Foucault a la que le ha dedicadonumerosas publicaciones y exposiciones.