Permanence Strategies for first-generation students of the Licenciatura en Enfermería at the Sede Regional Chamical, UNLaR


  • Erika Lilian Toledo Universidad Nacional de La Rioja
  • Teresita Moreno Universidad Nacional de La Rioja


university, students, first-generation, permanence strategies


This work focuses on the permanence strategies put into play by students who are the first generation of theirfamily to enter the university. The objective is to understand the process of constructing these strategies andidentify the interests and capitals involved, from the theoretical perspective of Pierre Bourdieu (1991). Thestudy population consists of first-generation students who completed the last year of the Licenciatura enEnfermería at the Sede Regional Chamical of UNLaR in 2019. Quantitative (data analysis of secondarysources) and qualitative (semi-structured interviews) methodological strategies were applied. Quantitative andqualitative analysis led to the conclusion that among the main retention strategies in university studies appear:literal note-taking, recording classes in audio and repeated listening afterwards, retake the course, networksamong women for childcare, peer support, and study groups. This exploratory and descriptive study willcontribute to decision-making at the level of public policies and institutional management for democratizingaccess, improving retention, graduation rates, and university graduation in the context of the Sede RegionalChamical, UNLaR.

Author Biographies

Erika Lilian Toledo, Universidad Nacional de La Rioja

Lic. en Sociología (UNSJ) yMg. en Ciencia Política y Sociología(FLACSO). Es además docente de Sociologíade la Educación, Historia Económica y Social,y Comportamiento Organizacional y RecursosHumanos de la UNLaR. Ha participado eninvestigación y extensión en temas deeducación superior, experiencias formativas,ruralidad y organizaciones de productores

Teresita Moreno, Universidad Nacional de La Rioja

Prof. y Lic. enPsicopedagogía (UNLaR), Dip. y Esp. enCurriculum y Prácticas Escolares en Contexto(FLACSO), Dip. en Escritura de TextosAcadémico-Científicos (UNLaR). Además sedesempeña como Docente de Expresión Oraly Escrita en la UNLaR.



