Law, morality, State, sovereignty, sources of lawAbstract
The article provides a brief introduction to some of the main discussions surrounding the concept of law.Initially, an analysis of the very concept of law is carried out, highlighting the main questions that arise whenproblematizing it. On one hand, clarifications are offered regarding the ambiguity, vagueness, and emotionalcharge inherent in the term. On the other hand, various fundamental responses are exposed regarding thenature of law and its relationship with morality. There, particular emphasis is placed on the distinction thatdifferent conceptions of law establish between both domains. Without the intention of exhausting thediscussion, these conceptions seek to illustrate the axes of the controversies surrounding the relationshipbetween law and morality. Subsequently, in characterizing law, special emphasis is placed on its connectionwith the State, its sovereignty, and the demand for obedience. The conceptualization of the State and its roleas guarantor of legal order and sovereignty is analyzed in detail, delineating how law is configured as anormative system for a specific political community within a defined territory. This section concludes byhighlighting the importance of understanding how law, unlike morality, is based on state authority and demandsobedience within its territorial borders, implying a clear disparity in terms of application and coercion betweenboth normative domains. Finally, a brief presentation of the sources of law is provided and how, based on theunderstanding of these, law involves a dynamic interpretation that integrates both established norms andunderlying principles in a society.Downloads